Saturday, April 15, 2017


If you happen upon this blog, it is no longer updated.The phone number listed above is no longer in service.
For all current info on this program, please refer to my Facebook page:

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

It's PROM Season!!!

I LOVE what I get to do! I got a phone call today from a young man who wanted to take his girlfriend to Prom, but knew she couldn't afford a dress. He was calling to see if I had dresses her size. I do!!! Hopefully she will find one she likes. I'm always needing more for a better selection though - Look around - what do you have? who do you know that may want to help? Remember, this is basically a FREE service - girls get 100% of their deposit back when they bring back the dressed cleaned and in good shape. This is the biggest dance of the year and every girl wants to feel like a princess.

Friday, January 17, 2014


Over 100 dresses have been loaned out to girls in just over 2 yrs. WOW - just makes me so happy. I did a quick tally and there are probably 200 dresses in the the collection now, but I still need a better variety. Some sizes don't have the greatest selection.  Help pass the word on to your family and friends and let's see if we can make that happen - some of the biggest dances are right around the corner.

Sunday, May 5, 2013


Wendy from Tabitha's Way came to our aid again. She passed on a big box of new dresses and a tuxedo that had been donated to her organization to add to our collection. That brings up the tuxedo count to 3 - it's a start :)

Wendy also told someone in need about the program on Friday and a neat story resulted:

Awesome experience. A lady called to see if I had any wedding dresses. I have 4 in my collection, but 2 I had already converted to prom dresses. The other two were a size 3 and a 13 - not the most common of sizes. She happened to be a size 13. When she tried it on it looked as though it was made for her. She looked simply gorgeous. I even had a veil for her. And even better, it was perfectly modest for someone who was already endowed. What are the chances - truly the Lord's hand was involved in this one.

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Gearing up for back to school

Thanks to the donation of Wendy from Tabitha's Way in Spanish Fork, we now have two double hanging racks for all the dresses. The dresses are now easier to see and there is room to add more. Anyone have any dresses they'd like to donate ? :)

Friday, June 8, 2012

We had 22 girls borrow dresses for Prom and Senior Ball this spring! Love seeing how the generosity of so many has come together to benefit others

Friday, April 27, 2012

New Dresses

There are now over 120 dresses in stock from size 1 to 22. The dresses include both short and long and styles range from straight to ballgown. Every week (sometimes daily) the selection changes as new donations come in and dresses are returned or borrowed.